
Life Saving Appliance – Level 1

Cobalt Blue Academy presents the Level I Lifesaving Appliances training program tailored for service personnel who are relatively inexperienced. This comprehensive 3-week course aligns with ISO 23678 part 2 – Level I (Initial) and consists of three modules, focusing on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Program Overview:

ISO 23678:2022 Compliance:

The course is structured to meet the initial training and assessment prerequisites for prospective service technicians.

Candidates are expected to hold or work towards a nationally recognized qualification in engineering or mechanics, or an equivalent qualification.

Key Objectives:
  • Introduce candidates to terminology, equipment, and industry-specific functions and roles.
  • Familiarize candidates with maritime and offshore industry organizations and their relationships with manufacturers/ASP operations.
  • Equip candidates to identify and understand lifeboats, rescue boats, fast rescue boats, launching appliances, and release gear.
  • Develop awareness of key causes of lifeboat and rescue boat accidents.
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities of manufacturer/ASP service technicians.
  • Familiarize candidates with relevant legislation, guidelines, rules, regulations, and conventions.
  • Instill knowledge of procedures for maintenance, examination, testing, repair, and overhaul of lifeboats and related equipment.
  • Ensure understanding and demonstration of basic safety and awareness in the working environment.

Theoretical Learning Outcomes:

Module 1 — Service Technician General Industry Knowledge:
  • Recognize organizations and regulatory bodies associated with maritime and oil and gas industries.
  • Understand legislative frameworks and industry guidelines.
  • Identify and interpret rules, regulations, and international conventions related to lifeboat maintenance.
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of a service technician.
  • Identify various types of lifeboats, rescue boats, and launching appliances, interpreting their roles and functions.
  • Interpret design and construction requirements for different lifeboat types.
  • Identify components of launching appliances and on-load release gear, understanding their roles.
  • Recognize causes of lifeboat and rescue boat accidents and mitigation measures.
  • Interpret procedures for equipment inspection, maintenance, testing, and repair.
Module 2 — Basic Safety at Work:
  • Explain health and safety legislation and specific requirements on board.
  • Identify types and uses of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Understand manual handling techniques and COSHH requirements.
  • Identify workplace hazards, including pressure systems in lifeboats.
  • Follow procedures and identify equipment for working at height.
  • Explain lifesaving rules associated with workplace hazards.
  • Understand company-specific lifesaving/golden rules.
  • Explain basic lifesaving appliance safety.
Module 3 — Risk Management:
  • Define hazard, risk, and control.
  • Explain risk assessment concepts and techniques.
  • Describe the risk assessment process and use of a risk matrix.
  • Apply control measures to reduce risk to ALARP.
  • Identify the need for dynamic risk assessment.
  • Understand the function of a risk intervention system and conduct interventions.

Practical Learning Outcomes:

Module 1 — Service Technician General Industry Knowledge:
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify and interpret relevant information regarding rules, regulations, and international conventions.
  • Safely operate on-load release gear.
Module 2 — Basic Safety at Work:
  • Demonstrate elements of an individual lift and team lift with appropriate communication.
  • Display correct loading/unloading methods using a trolley.
Module 3 — Risk Management:
  • Conduct effective risk assessments using a risk matrix.
  • Participate in a toolbox talk effectively.
  • Conduct risk interventions and complete risk intervention cards.

Upon successful completion of the Life Saving Appliance – Level 1 Service Technician training program, candidates receive Level I certification, allowing them to work independently. This comprehensive program ensures that service personnel are well-equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to maritime safety effectively.